Top Ways To Soundproof Your Honolulu Windows
Top Ways To Soundproof Your Honolulu Windows
Do you ever get jolted out of your slumber by a neighbor’s party or miss a line in a favorite movie due to traffic outside? Noise gets into your home through window panes and gaps around your windows, causing you restless nights and other interruptions. Luckily, there are some legit soundproofing methods that can substantially decrease exterior noise. From new window treatments to DIY projects, try these recommendations to soundproof windows in Honolulu and see if they offer you some peace and quiet!
Apply Weatherstripping Or Caulk To Window Frames

Applying caulk or weatherstripping is a low-stress DIY solution to decrease noise. Since sound travels through the air, filling gaps or cracks near your windows will help reduce outdoor noise entering your house.
If you notice gaps between windows and frames, apply self-adhesive weatherstripping. If you have a sliding door or double-hung window, you may utilize v-strips around the exterior of the windows. You can also insert acoustic caulk in the crevices around windows and over any cracks to block airflow. Just keep in mind that these DIY solutions may not last forever and can impact your windows’ appearance. Adding windows and window treatments that have energy-conserving features might be a wiser investment.
Use Solid Window Treatments To Diminish Exterior Noise

If annoying noises penetrate your thin window panes, another layer of well-made material will help reduce those sounds. Installing plantation shutters is a savvy way to reduce the sound that can get in while also improving the energy efficiency of your home. Crafted from real wood or an engineered alternative, these interior shutters limit sound, exterior light, and drafts when closed.
For the best soundproofing, consider Polywood® shutters. They have patented weatherstripping, making them better at soundproofing windows in Honolulu than other window treatments. In contrast to shades and blinds, Polywood shutters attach securely to your window and are precisely measured to your window frame to avoid gaps that could permit sound to enter. And don’t be concerned about the spaces between their louvers. Polywood shutters shut securely everywhere to prevent noises, sunlight, and temperature transfer.
Furthermore, appealing Polywood® shutters look gorgeous from inside and outside of your home. Their neutral white color harmonizes effortlessly with all sorts of home decor, and they wipe off simply with a damp cloth. Polywood shutters also last longer than alternative window treatments, blocking outdoor noise and enhancing your Honolulu home for generations
Update Failing Windows
If you have old windows and endure draftiness and unwanted noise, it’s probably time to contemplate getting replacements. If switching out all your windows is above your budget, you can install exterior storm windows or an additional window pane to particularly troublesome windows. Even so, upgrading your windows or introducing additional panes can be an expensive option.
Sunburst Has The Treatments To Soundproof Windows In Honolulu
Are you ready for less interruptions and a great night of sleep? Ask Sunburst Shutters Honolulu about getting custom plantation shutters to block external noise. We’ll send an experienced consultant to your residence to demonstrate our shutters and help you select your favorite enhancements. Call us at 808-797-2004 or fill out the form on this page to schedule your no-cost consultation.